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Saturday, September 11, 2010


語言 : 繁體中文
作者 : 李重輝
出版社 : 中華國貨推廣中心
出版日/上市日 : 2010/05/13
中華國貨推廣中心Chinese Products Promotion Center成立於民國57年,以配合當時「宣揚國貨」、「愛用國貨」之政府政策,從事各項海內外貿易推廣服務工作,在經貿發展過程當中,扮演著「中小企業的大幫手」角色,普獲肯定。
語言 : 繁體中文
作者 : 江仲有
出版社 : 香港大學出版社
出版日/上市日 : 2010/06/01
離異的夫婦在離婚過程中,由於情感的創傷或其他原因,不自覺地把子女捲入他們的糾紛,並以子女的撫養權為武器,互相攻擊。為了減少不必要的訴訟,防 止子女管養權的訴訟衍生的家庭悲劇,「家事調解」是能夠協助離異夫婦彼此之間的溝通,導引異離夫婦專注家庭子女的利益,防止異離夫婦以子女作為互相攻擊的 武器,保障兒女的長遠利益,維繫父母子女的關係的良藥。
因此,筆者希望透過本書,介紹基本婚姻法律知識、處理當事人的情緒、策劃「家庭重 組父母親職計劃」等知識,給讀者參考,吸引有心參與家事調解專業的讀者,能夠領略「家事調解」的優點及箇中技巧,妥善地處理糾紛或衝突,改善夫婦之間的溝 通,減少日益繁重的離婚訴訟及離婚對子女帶來的負面影響,保障子女的利益,防止家庭慘劇的發生,締造和諧社會,達至「以和為貴」的理想境界。作者簡介江仲 有
作者江仲有是一位資深土木工程師、律師(澳洲昆士蘭、維多利亞、新南威爾斯、香港、英國)、仲裁員(克拉瑪依、廣州、天津、深圳、中國國 際經濟貿易仲裁委員會)、深圳市僑界法律顧問團顧問律師、認可調解員(香港國際仲裁中心、香港律師會、香港家事法庭、香港土地審裁處),擁有二十多年的工 程和法律經驗。江律師曾參與及處理各類大小工程建設、民事和婚姻調解、商業和工程仲裁及民事和刑事訴訟,對各種現行解決爭議的方法有深入的認識和了解。
語言 : 英文
出版社 : 香港大學出版社
出版日/上市日 : 2010/07/01
Forty years after China’s tumultuous Cultural Revolution, this book revisits the visual and performing arts of the period – the paintings, propaganda posters, political cartoons, sculpture, folk arts, private sketchbooks, opera, and ballet – and examines what these vibrant, militant, often gaudy images meant to artists, their patrons, and their audiences at the time, and what they mean now, both in their original forms and as revolutionary icons reworked for a new market-oriented age. Chapters by scholars of Chinese history and art and by artists whose careers were shaped by the Cultural Revolution offer new insights into works that have transcended their times.作者簡介Richard King
Richard King is Director of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives and Associate Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Victoria.
語言 : 英文
出版社 : 香港大學出版社
出版日/上市日 : 2010/06/
The fifteenth century is an enigma in Southeast Asian history — too late for classical inscriptions, and generally too early for indigenous texts or European observations. The arrival of European ships, ideas and economies in the early sixteenth century has long been seen as the origin of the early modern era in Southeast Asia, but the present collection challenges this view, suggesting that intense and lasting political and economic changes were already well underway by 1500.
The argument rests on developments such as the introduction of firearms, more intensive rice agriculture, Thai and Viet ceramic exports, Korean and Ryukyu contacts with Southeast Asia, the demise of Champa, the climax of Viet and northern Tai statecraft, the birth of Melayu-Muslim kingship in Melaka and the creation of a new Muslim Javanese civilisation on Java’s north coast. Coincident with these changes, Ming China’s engagement with Southeast Asia grew as a result of overland expansion into the Tai and Viet polities, state-sponsored maritime voyages, and private Chinese trade and migration to the region.
Southeast Asia and Ming China in the Fifteenth Century draws together the great changes that occurred in Southeast Asia during the fifteenth century, and considers the extent to which Ming China’s engagement with the region helped usher in the early modern period of Southeast Asian history.作者簡介Geoff Wade
Geoff Wade is a historian with interests in Sino-Southeast Asian interactions, comparative historiography and the use of Chinese texts as sources for Southeast Asian history. Sun Laichen
Sun Laichen is an Associate Professor at California State University, Fullerton. He specialises in early modern Southeast Asian history, particularly the interaction between China and Mainland Southeast Asia. His research interests also include Asian gunpowder technology.
語言 : 英文
出版社 : 香港大學出版社
出版日/上市日 : 2010/06/01
This is a collection of administrative dispatches from the 1910s through the early 1960s which illuminate not only rural life in Hong Kong but also Hong Kong government policies during the post-World War II period. The authors of the reports include such notable figures as Eric Hamilton, Walter Schofield, S. H. Peplow, Paul Tsui, Austin Coates, and James Hayes. The volume is another important addition to the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Studies series, which has played a vital role in reviving and sustaining local history.作者簡介John Strickland
John Strickland is chairman of the Ride Fund Trustees of the Royal Asiatic Society, Hong Kong Branch.
語言 : 英文
出版社 : 香港大學出版社
出版日/上市日 : 2010/05/01
Despite persistent pressure from state censors and other tools of political control, investigative journalism has flourished in China over the last decade. This volume offers a comprehensive, first-hand look at investigative journalism in China, including insider accounts from reporters behind some of China’s top stories in recent years. While many outsiders hold on to the stereotype of Chinese journalists as docile, subservient Party hacks, a number of brave Chinese reporters have exposed corruption and official misconduct with striking ingenuity and often at considerable personal sacrifice. Subjects have included officials pilfering state funds, directors of public charities pocketing private donations, businesses fleecing unsuspecting consumers — even the misdeeds of journalists themselves. These case studies address critical issues of commercialization of the media, the development of ethical journalism practices, the rising spectre of ”news blackmail,” negotiating China’s mystifying bureaucracy, the dangers of libel suits, and how political pressures impact different stories. During fellowships at the Journalism & Media Studies Centre (JMSC) of the University of Hong Kong, these narratives and other background materials were fact-checked and edited by JMSC staff to address critical issues related to the media transitions currently under way in the PRC. This engaging narrative gives readers a vivid sense of how journalism is practiced in China.作者簡介David Bandurski
David Bandurski is a scholar at the University of Hong Kong’s China Media Project, a research and fellowship initiative of the Journalism & Media Studies Centre. Martin Hala
Martin Hala has taught journalism at the Universities in Prague and Bratislava.
語言 : 英文
作者 : JEAN MA
出版社 : 香港大學出版社
出版日/上市日 : 2010/07/01
Ma offers an innovative study of three provocative Chinese directors: Wong Kar-wai, Hou Hsiao-hsien, and Tsai Ming-liang. Focusing on the highly stylized and nonlinear configurations of time in each director’s films, she argues that these directors have brought new global respect for Chinese cinema in amplifying motifs of loss, nostalgia, haunting, absence and ephemeral poetics. Hou, Tsai, and Wong all insist on the significance of being out of time, not merely out of place, as a condition of global modernity. Ma argues that their films collectively foreground the central place of contemporary Chinese films in a transnational culture of memory, characterized by a distinctive melancholy that highlights the difficulty of binding together past and present into a meaningful narrative.作者簡介Jean Ma
Jean Ma is assistant professor in the Department of Art and Art History at Stanford University, where she teaches in the Film and Media Studies Program. She is the coeditor, with Karen Beckman, of Still Moving: Between Cinema and Photography (2008).
語言 : 繁體中文
作者 : 米奇.艾爾邦
譯者 : 白裕承
出版社 : 大塊文化
◎米奇每個星期二到老師家探望他。這位老師,墨瑞.史瓦茲(Morrie Schwartz),面對著死亡一步步接近,誠實看見自己在死亡面前的恐懼與脆弱,承認自己對人世的眷戀不捨,但他掙脫這些情緒,展現出洞澈人生之後的清明與安靜,並且帶著幽默感。
◎米奇.艾爾邦將於2010年9月2日來台舉辦公開演講。作者簡介米奇.艾爾邦 Mitch Albom
語言 : 繁體中文
作者 : 保成名師聯著
出版社 : 新保成
出版日/上市日 : 2010/08/09


語言 : 繁體中文
作者 : 郭如意
出版社 : 新保成
出版日/上市日 : 2010/08/09
1.中心組織準則、人事機關(構)人事人員陞遷作業 補充規定、公 教人員保險監理委員會組織規程、稽核公務員懲戒處分執行辦法、公務人員服 務守則、公務人員行政中立法施行細則...等等......
2.重要草案更新:如公務人員考試錄取人員訓練辦法部分條文修正草案、公務人員撫恤法修正草 案總說明....等


語言 : 繁體中文
作者 : 邱嘉慧
出版社 : 世一
出版日/上市日 : 2010/08/02

語言 : 繁體中文
作者 : 邱嘉慧
出版社 : 世一
出版日/上市日 : 2010/08/02

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